Emisisoft Anti-Malware is monitors malicious behavior (attitude control) and the daily updates without new unknown Trojans, worms, viruses and other harmful programs (Zero-Day dangers) can detect all active programs in real time. Signature-based security (Emsisoft and Ikarus double engine), such as Trojans, worms and viruses known as malware ensures a very high recognition rate.
- Clean, efficient wayA-squared Anti-Malware is powered by a dual engine malware scanner for twice the cleaning power of malware, without additional requirements. Besides that, a-squared Anti-Malware can even eliminate potentially unwanted programs (PUP) that overload your computer with swelling waste of resources. In total, guaranteeing superior detection, efficient removal and clean Windows operating system which are completely Malware-Free.
- 100% PerformanceEmsisoft Anti-Malware is designed to use the least amount of computer resources as possible. That's because the computer is a lot like you. Like you, you can only perform so many tasks at once, and if overloaded crash. Emsisoft Anti-Malware with, we have combined two of the best technologies for virus and malware scan in the industry to the lowest possible level to ensure optimal detection rates and top speed. The result is an easy to use anti-malware that protects your digital life completely and let computer power exactly where it belongs: with you
- Surf ProtectionPrevention of connection known dangerous and fraudulent web sites. If you inadvertently try to access a website that Trojans, spyware or any other malicious program spreads, a-squared Anti-Malware prevents you connect. Our software does this by using an integrated dangerous and known fraudulent Web sites that are automatically updated every time list.
- Guard files in real timeScanning for malware in real time. This fundamental layer of security checks all files that are downloaded or run against more than 10 million signatures of known malicious. File Guard Emsisoft Anti-Malware is clever design and self-optimizing continuously, allowing real-time protection that scans dozens of files per second. Most importantly, File Guard operates in the background of your computer, which means you do not feel the impact of his power.
- Behavior BlockerThe last defense to catch zero-day threats that are not yet included in the database of the firm, a-squared Anti-Malware continually monitors the behavior of all active programs an alert as soon as something suspicious happens. Combined with the cloud-verification live Emsisoft Anti-Malware Network is our ultimate weapon against specialized attacks and sophisticated malware that others can not protect.
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